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World Wedding Guide operates mainly as a B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customers) portal and have been recognized as one of the top Wedding Business Company in Turkey and in the world with the highest number of visitors, established by experienced expert in internet marketing. is one of the world’s largest online publications that deliver an international viewpoint on the latest news about trends of fashion and luxury, Internet technology, business and culture. is a website for weddings featuring wedding gowns, tuxedos, invitations, bridesmaids dresses, wedding jewelry, watches, bands, wedding cakes, honeymoon destinations, wedding planning, ideas, music, wedding photography and much more! is a website for manufacturers of jewelry made of gold, silver, diamonds, precious and semiprecious stones, precious stone and semiprecious stone manufacturers, manufacturers and distributors of watches, manufacturers and distributors of materials and equipments concerning the production of jewelry, manufacturers/merchandisers of accessories and display case materials, software of jewelers, security tools, sector-specific media, associations and organizations.
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Gen Z Branding: Boosting Brand Awareness Gen Z was the first generation to grow up as digital natives. This made the use of technology and social media an everyday occurrence and an integral part of their lives. Over a quarter…
Demand for digital freelancers has dropped by 21% since ChatGPT was launched The demand for freelancers working in writing and coding-related jobs has dropped by 21% since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, according to new research by Imperial…